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Rust Extension Overview

Writing this coursework in Rust is an extension and is OPTIONAL

You are NOT required to write any Rust code unless you intend to complete this coursework with Rust.

This is an extension, which means you should complete this coursework in Golang before considering the Rust extension.

Talk to the lecturers before you start working on this Rust extension.

Skeleton Code

To help you along, you are given a simple skeleton project.

Starting by cloning gol-rs-skeleton repository, you can create your own repository by Use this template. Remember to set your newly created repository to private and add your partner as collaborator.

The skeleton includes tests and an SDL-based visualiser.

All parts of the skeleton are commented. All the code has been written in Rust.

You will not be required to write any C or Golang code for this extension. If you have any questions about the skeleton please ask a TA for help.

Please note

You must not modify any of the files ending in We will be using these tests to judge the correctness of your implementation.

For WSL2 users

If you are using WSL2, ensure your skeleton is located within the WSL2 file system. Specifically, your project should be located at ~/.../gol-rs-skeleton, NOT at /mnt/.../gol-rs-skeleton