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Marking Scheme

You will receive a mark out of 100 for this coursework, and it is worth 80% of the total unit mark.

Parallel Implementation (35 marks)

20% - Single-threaded implementation.

30% - Parallel implementation implementation with the number of workers hardcoded to a non-1 value.

40% - Parallel Game of Life implementation (see Step 2). The number of threads cannot be hardcoded but it may be the case that only some configurations are working (e.g it's only working if the number of threads is a power of 2).

50% - Parallel Game of Life implementation, all configurations working.

Additional marks are available for satisfying further success criteria, up to:

70% - Satisfy all success criteria for this stage.

Distributed Implementation (35 marks)

40% - You must be able to demonstrate a distributed Game of Life implementation. It must be running a single AWS Gol Engine Node that is controlled by a locally running controller (see Step 1).

70% - Satisfy all success criteria for this stage.

Report (30 marks)

You need to submit a CONCISE (strictly max 6 pages) report which should cover the following topics:

  • Functionality and Design:
    Outline what functionality you have implemented, which problems you have solved with your implementations and how your program is designed to solve the problems efficiently and effectively.

  • Critical Analysis:

    • Describe the experiments and analysis you carried out.
    • Provide a selection of appropriate results.
    • Keep a history of your implementations and provide benchmark results from various stages.
    • Explain and analyse the benchmark results obtained.
    • Analyse the important factors responsible for the virtues and limitations of your implementations.

Make sure your team member’s names and user names appear on page 1 of the report.
Do not include a cover page.